CPR Training: A Legendary Waste of Time

  • https://www.linkedin.com/pulse…ry-waste-time-kyle-mohler

    Provokante Überschrift, aber guter Artikel, besonders die letzten 3 Absätze:

    At the end of the day, many CPR instructors are making an easy thing hard, compounding the problem of poor survival rates. We need to abandon the traditional checklist approach of 17 things that have to happen in order. Instead, instructors should concede that bystanders will mess up the details and to please be OK with that. Pink is good and blue is bad. Blood goes round and round and air goes in and out. Any deviation from this is bad and must be corrected immediately. Although there’s a proven best practice, don’t ever let your forgetfulness of specific details stop you from seeing the bigger picture. Oh, and if you fail the silly test, you're still plenty capable of helping the blue guy on the pavement. - Get in there.

    In closing, bystander CPR is the backbone of surviving a cardiac arrest. Without public intervention, there will be a negative outcome. On the other hand, public CPR and timely access to defibrillation sets the stage for survival. As I tell those in my class "beat the heart a ton, and if you're feeling keen, please breathe for them too. If you're lucky enough to have an AED, use it yesterday. You can pick your textbook up on the way out the door."

    Let’s give folks the science, but more importantly, let’s give them a license to deviate from the centerline. Empower them with flexibility and the public will start coming out of the woodwork. Since bystander CPR matters more than EMS intervention ever will, I suggest that we as instructors, need to start changing our collective tune. – My mentors have been blazing that trail for years, and for that, I thank them.

    ...mit Legenden ist das so eine Sache...
    ...manche sind wahr... 8)

  • Ich würde vor 10 Jahren noch wirklich schräg angeguckt und teilweise angeeignet, als ich in Erste Hilfe Kursen begonnen hab, die HLW stark zu vereinfachen und den Leuten zu vermitteln: Hauptsache, ihr drückt drauf!Das ist die Pflicht, alles andere ist Kür.
    Die Veränderung der letzten Jahre in den Curicculae musste ich Dann gar nicht mehr groß umsetzen, denn sie sind dem easy-way-of-CPR von mir immer näher gekommen.

    Deshalb herzlichen Dank für diesen Artikel 😉

  • Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam!